Encouraging & Welcoming Visitors and New Members!

Rotary Club of Ann Arbor West is helping with Send Hunger Packing 2024!!
We need to raise $20,000 to buy enough products to pack 60,000 nutritional meals for distribution in Washtenaw County (1/3), global charities (1/3), and storage to respond to natural disasters (1/3).
To Donate and Register to Volunteer, visit
Send Hunger Packing
Please forward this email to anybody you feel may be interested. For questions or additional information, please email

Working diligently with the Rotary Club of Dombivli, in India, our two clubs have received the approval for a Global Grant valued at $31,650.00.
The money will be used for paediatric heart surgeries to children at the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre, in Navi Mumbai.
More details can be found here :
Vision & Mission Statement of the Centre :
“ To serve the cause of 'Right to Healthy Childhood' through creation of a holistic eco system resulting in reducing the global congenital heart disease burden. “

Rotary District 6380 Collyer A. Smith (District Governor) leading the charge!!
We packed over 60 school backpacks today for children in need.

Donations to Mai Family Services for our 10 year anniversary! Thanks Arun for bringing this to us. Arun Prasana looking good!
" What a blessing! Thanks to Rotary Club, Ann Arbor West, for your generous donation fulfilling the Christmas wishlist for our survivors.
Sincere gratitude! Arun Prasanna, Vineet Katial, Bob Overhiser, Melissa Wild, Bimal Nathwani - Mai Family Services appreciates your kind gesture. "
Great time of service, collecting winter clothing for Emmanuel Lutheran Church Clothes Closet, Ypsilanti and supporting a remarkable "Rotarian in Training" who is fundraising for Men Wear Pink to benefit breast cancer.

Book Drive & Painting Reading Libraries for Children
We are an evening club, comprised of professionals who share fellowship and collaboration of ideas to serve and give for the benefit of humanity.
We are open to the inspiration and talents of our members with the goal to work together to find ways to serve other's above self.
We meet the 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday's of the month at 5:30 pm
Location- Legacy Financial, 4420 Jackson Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
Check us out at facebook...https://www.facebook.com/rotaryannarborwest/
The acronym USA RI (Rotary International) in S (Sri Lanka) IN (India) for Girl (G) education.
Involves US, India, Srilanka Rotary teams to educate girls in vocational training for a self sustaining future.
Have a Beer & Change the World
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
United States of America